
Welcome to the Adventist Church’s first Digital Strategy for Mission Convention, comprised of the Adventist Technology Summit (ATS) and the Global Adventist information Network (GAiN). This unprecedented gathering is designed to provide guidance on the Machinery, Mechanics, and the Media in support of the MESSAGE! This week will be filled with practical and relevant training on the latest Trends, Tools, and Technologies that support MISSION!
We are so thankful that you are here with us in the vibrant and beautiful city of Chiang Mai. The goal of our time together this week is to create synergies and craft strategies that will define our Digital Strategy for Mission. Throughout the course of this week, we will hear from denominational leaders in finance, ministry, technology, artificial intelligence, digital evangelism, hybrid ministry, privacy, and organizational and operational security. We will be both encouraged and challenged as we learn, worship, and pray together. But more than this, we will come together as ONE CHURCH to build our Digital Strategy for Mission.
Brothers and Sisters, I believe that the last great territory that the Lord would have our Church work in is Digital. More than three quarters of the world’s population is online. Billions of seekers are looking for a savior online. Will our Church be there to introduce them to Jesus? We can, but only as we work together!
Scripture tells us in John 17 that Jesus’ final prayer, just before He offered Himself as our ultimate sacrifice, was for His Church to be one. Even now, as we work and minister during earth’s waning hours, we are called to come together, financiers, technologists, creatives, and digital strategists, and finish this great work as ONE CHURCH! We hear Christ’s call for us to work together to create synergies, to establish strategies, to build bridges, and to ultimately unite together in Mission and in Ministry. It is my earnest prayer that the Lord pours out His Holy Spirit upon our gathering, and that as we come together, we may be inspired and motivated to say “I Will Go” May each of us be about our Father’s business!

Richard Stephenson
Associate Treasurer, Technology Strategy & Operations